Photo Gallery of Kampar Peninsula, Riau

Peat Canal Drainage by Arara Abadi

Peat Canal Drainage by Arara Abadi

RAPP Barge Sinking with Full Load of Timber

RAPP Barge Sinking with Full Load of Timber

RAPP (Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper) Concession Area Close to Tasik Belat

RAPP (Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper) Concession Area Close to Tasik Belat

HTI Concession of Arara Abadi, Supplier to APP (Asia Pulp & Paper)

HTI Concession of Arara Abadi, Supplier to APP (Asia Pulp & Paper)

Burned Peat Soil

Burned Peat Soil

Burning Peat Soil

Burning Peat Soil

Peat Soil with Organic Remains

Peat Soil with Organic Remains

Peat Water

Peat Water

Oil Palm Replanting, Riau

Oil Palm Replanting, Riau

Landscape of Natural Resources Exploitation, Drilling Rig of Oil and Oil Palm Plantation

Landscape of Natural Resources Exploitation, Drilling Rig of Oil and Oil Palm Plantation

Oil Palm Collection

Oil Palm Collection

Oil Palm Fruit Bunch

Oil Palm Fruit Bunch

Debris in Sungai Belat Blocking Boats

Debris in Sungai Belat Blocking Boats

Illegal Loggers from Outside

Illegal Loggers from Outside

Sago Trunks

Sago Trunks

YMI Canal Blocking for Peat Land Rehabilitation

YMI Canal Blocking for Peat Land Rehabilitation

Community of Indigenous Akit People

Community of Indigenous Akit People


Village Port in Selat Panjang

Village Port in Selat Panjang

“Bagan”, Temporary Fishing House in Tasik Belat

“Bagan”, Temporary Fishing House in Tasik Belat

“Bagan”, Temporary Fishing House in Kerumutan

“Bagan”, Temporary Fishing House in Kerumutan

Coconut Trees at Teluk Lanus

Coconut Trees at Teluk Lanus

Teluk Lanus

Teluk Lanus

Big Tree in Serapung’s “Hutan Desa”

Big Tree in Serapung’s “Hutan Desa”

Big Benefit from Tasik Belat

Big Benefit from Tasik Belat

Pinang Fruit

Pinang Fruit